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Horstead Day 2

After a good nights sleep, we woke up early (some of us woke up very early!) ready for a exciting day of activities. We began the day making our sandwiches before sitting down for breakfast. We enjoyed toast, cereals, porridge, yoghurts and juices before making our way to the garden for the days first activity. 

Group 1 began the day on the tower, tackling any fear of heights with great determination before taking the leap and enjoying the ride on the zip line! Meanwhile in Group 2, we began at the archery range. We sharpened up our shooting skills before battling it out in an aim to be crowned the best archer! We took aim at a large target, small donuts and even a prime bottle!

Following a much needed biscuit break, the groups swapped over for another 90 minutes of fun! This saw Group 2 show great courage in taking on the tower and zooming down the zip wire, whilst the archery skills were developed by a very focussed Group 1! Once again, all children enjoyed pushing themselves to take on new and exciting tasks all whilst supported by all of their friends! 

After a fantastic morning, we enjoyed the sandwiches we had made along with crisps, fruit and cookies! This time Group 1 prepared themsleves to head to the river with paddles in hand! With great teamwork they canoed peacefully down the river enjoying all that the local wildlife had to offer before completing a complex turning maneuver that allowed them to head back for base! During this time, Group 2 enjoyed collecting anything and everything beautiful that nature had to offer before returning to the garden to turn it into beautiful artistic pictures. We had Horstead signs, house trees and lot lots more! 

Finally after a long day, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with 5 different desserts! We could choose from chocolate or strawberry mousse, fruit salad, jelly and ice-cream! In our evening activity we got our pens out and  put our eyes down for a game of BINGO! With a tie for 2nd place and an intense rock, paper, scissors finish! 

We are now settled in bed ready for one final activity before returning to school tomorrow! 



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