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Sports Day 2020

This time of year would see all of us sporting our house team colours, taking to the field, participating in a range of races and being cheered on by members of our family. Unfortunately this year has to be different, but that doesn’t mean it has to be cancelled. For children in school, they will still be participating in a Sports Day and earning points for their team in hope of being crowned this year’s champions. For those at home, you have the chance to help your team earn some extra points. Here is how:

Go for a walk: 2 Points

Go for a bike ride/: 3 Points

Take part in a Joe Wicks workout: 5 Points

50 Star Jumps: 2 Points

2 minutes of jogging on the spot: 1 Point

Create an obstacle course: 4 Points

Balance an item on you head for 1 minute: 1 Point (1 extra point for every item balanced e.g. 3 books, 3 points)

Perform a dance: 4 Points

10 Burpees: 2 Points

50 Heel flicks: 2 Points

20 Squats: 2 Points

20 Lunges: 2 Points

You can do any of these activities more than once. Over the course of four days (Monday 13th July- Thursday 16th July) please try to collect as many points as you possibly can in order to help your team. On Thursday the 16th, please could you total up the amount of points that they have collected and send an email to: with the team colour and the amount of points they have earnt e.g. Blue, 16 points.

It would be lovely to see some photos and videos of your child participating in these activities, please send any pictures and videos to the office email account stating your consent to these being put on the website.

Good luck,

Mr. Millican


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